Noah’s Ark Blog
“In the ensuing months, she thought much about the way in which a stranger can finger your life: this man, who knows nothing of her, nor she of him, until both arrive at the fatal grid reference, which has always lain in wait. And now the man is gone... ...
Imagine that you know you're in the last few weeks of your life. There is a point at which the dying pull within themselves to do the work of dying. Just before that, there is often a desire for deeper connection to loved ones, even those who are estranged. The...
"When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ...
Balance is not only about one's relationship with gravity, although this is where learning about Balance is fundamental. Any variables (like water and slippery rocks) immediately make balance challenging. How we remain upright demands our focus. Beyond the...
This is a rather old fashioned word. I don’t hear it so much these days. I do hear it’s Pop culture synonyms quite often though – guts, grit, even moxie. It’s my opinion that we still need the word Fortitude to describe what enables us to endure, with...
I'll be honest. I've avoided taking on this topic for a long time. It's huge - pervasive and endemic in human interactions. The easiest way to approach it (perhaps not the most fun) is to start with myself. I admit to Blaming. It was like a dark cloud that shadowed my...
"You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better." Anne Lamott One of the most damaging legacies of childhood trauma is loss of voice. It can take a lifetime to identify...
Trauma II
"The childhood I remember is not the only version that exists." from PE by Victor Lodato In the previous essay on Trauma, I noted that our route to a fulfilling life must include an assessment of what is getting in our way. I promised to talk about How to do that...
"Where a man has a certain fantasy, another man may lose his life, or, breach his spirit." Carl Jung I begin with this quote from Carl Jung to demonstrate that Trauma is endemic in human society. The sense of the word "breach" as Jung uses it here is "rupture."...