Noah’s Ark Blog



These are tough times we are in. The normal challenges of life’s passages are compounded by pandemic induced isolation. The core human need for community is heightened by grief, loss, change, and confusion. At the same time, opportunities to gather together in like-minded groups are curtailed by the dictates of public health....


    Did you know that Celebration is a core human need? I often see people confuse this with partying. Of course you can have or attend a party to celebrate something or someone. But most partying happens because people simply want to change their mood, feel different, be someone else for a while. This is more in the category...

Podcast Interview

In this week’s episode, we talk with Chaplain Meg Spinella about her work in Hospice care. A really interesting conversation about working with both the patient and the patient’s family. Definitely check this one out.

To listen to our Episodes on the go, please visit us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! And don’t forget to subscribe and ‘Like’ us!

Trauma III

Nova Scotia is a lovely, peaceful province, hanging off the eastern edge of Canada. Getting there is a deliberate and often challenging intention. It's known for water views, lots of them, as well as whale watching, hiking, and picturesque cottages. While getting there is difficult, staying there is seductive and the stuff of dreams for...


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."   FDR   These wise words from another time of International upheaval, threat, and loss, can still serve as a touchstone as we navigate a range of  events unprecedented in our lifetime. Up to this writing, 20,911 people worldwide have died from Covid-19, of 463,342 reported cases. The...


"Change is the only constant in Life." Heraclitus   I used to say that I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into my future. I was no fan of change. That was a fear-driven way of being in the world. It was also a symptom of a victim consciousness. I now see myself as the co-creator of my future, together with the higher powers...

Sorrow III

"There's a hole in the world tonight There's a cloud of fear and sorrow There's a hole in the world tonight Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow" The Eagles     There's only one appropriate topic this week for a site that focuses on healing Trauma. Yet, as I say that I know that for the families and communities...
Trauma IV

Trauma IV

This Blog post is inviting you to read about multi-generational trauma in the promised novel from me, You Were My Mother. It is now listed on my Resource page under Books, contemporary fiction. The cover was designed to illustrate how trauma can shatter the...

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These are tough times we are in. The normal challenges of life’s passages are compounded by pandemic induced isolation. The core human need for community is heightened by grief, loss, change, and confusion. At the same time, opportunities to gather together in...

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    Did you know that Celebration is a core human need? I often see people confuse this with partying. Of course you can have or attend a party to celebrate something or someone. But most partying happens because people simply want to change their mood, feel...

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Podcast Interview

Podcast Interview

In this week’s episode, we talk with Chaplain Meg Spinella about her work in Hospice care. A really interesting conversation about working with both the patient and the patient’s family. Definitely check this one out.

To listen to our Episodes on the go, please visit us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! And don’t forget to subscribe and ‘Like’ us!

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Trauma III

Trauma III

Nova Scotia is a lovely, peaceful province, hanging off the eastern edge of Canada. Getting there is a deliberate and often challenging intention. It's known for water views, lots of them, as well as whale watching, hiking, and picturesque cottages. While getting...

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"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."   FDR   These wise words from another time of International upheaval, threat, and loss, can still serve as a touchstone as we navigate a range of  events unprecedented in our lifetime. Up to this writing, 20,911...

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"Change is the only constant in Life." Heraclitus   I used to say that I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into my future. I was no fan of change. That was a fear-driven way of being in the world. It was also a symptom of a victim consciousness. I now see...

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Sorrow III

Sorrow III

"There's a hole in the world tonight There's a cloud of fear and sorrow There's a hole in the world tonight Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow" The Eagles     There's only one appropriate topic this week for a site that focuses on healing...

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Judging ourselves and finding that we come up short is endemic in our high-powered, fast-paced world.  We say things to ourselves that we'd never consider saying to a loved one. "Well, I blew that."  "What a jerk I am."  "I am hopeless." Harsh self-talk is an...

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