by Meg | Nov 29, 2019 | Noah's Ark Now, Slider
“Change is the only constant in Life.” Heraclitus I used to say that I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into my future. I was no fan of change. That was a fear-driven way of being in the world. It was also a symptom of a victim consciousness....
by Meg | Aug 11, 2019 | Noah's Ark Now, Slider
“There’s a hole in the world tonight There’s a cloud of fear and sorrow There’s a hole in the world tonight Don’t let there be a hole in the world tomorrow” The Eagles There’s only one appropriate topic this week...
by Meg | Jul 18, 2019 | Noah's Ark Now
Judging ourselves and finding that we come up short is endemic in our high-powered, fast-paced world. We say things to ourselves that we’d never consider saying to a loved one. “Well, I blew that.” “What a jerk I am.” “I am...
by Meg | Apr 19, 2018 | Noah's Ark Now
I woke up knowing that my new puppy’s name would be Gabriel. My husband was well into the process of finding me an animal that he could train as a Service dog to help me with walking, stability, and balance. We chose an Airedale terrier from a line of...
by Meg | Mar 1, 2018 | Noah's Ark Now
I have felt compelled to write about politically charged events a few times on this Trauma website. Under the headings of Sorrow, Loss, and Tragedy, I have written about the Sandy Hook massacre, the Gabby Giffords shooting, and the Boston Marathon...
by Meg | Aug 5, 2017 | Noah's Ark Now, Slider
Last year my life changed forever. I’ve joined that club no one wants to be in – one of my children died. My 36 year old son, Joseph, died of a brain aneurysm. In the first blog on Grief, I noted some skillful ways to help someone who is grieving. The...